Enrolments Roles
The ebs4 Enrolment Client User role makes the Enrolments module available in ebs: central.
The following groups contain the additional roles for use in the Enrolments module:

The roles for enrolments are located in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group.
The relevant roles in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Batch printing administrator |
View and print all requested reports (applications, enrolments, and so on) in Batch Printing. Batch Printing is available only if a valid EBS4Reports licence is held. |
Batch printing scheduler |
Schedule a batch of reports (applications, enrolments, and so on) for printing in Batch Printing. Batch Printing is available only if a valid EBS4Reports licence is held. |
Enrolment Manager | Access to Learner Manager. A user is required to have this role in addition to any other roles in order to access Learner Manager. |
Full academic history | View, add, edit, and delete academic history records on the Academic History tab in Enrolments. It also allows users to add and remove optional assessments for a learner on the Manage Optional Assessments window. |
Full attainments | View, add, edit, and delete attainments on the Attainments tab in Enrolments. It also enables users to create duplicate attainments for a learner. |
Full enrolments |
View, add, edit, and delete enrolments on the Enrolments tab in Enrolments. It also allows users to do the following:
A user must also have the ebs4 Enrolment Client User role to use the enrolments functionality. |
Learner Manager Enrolment Reports | Bulk print enrolment reports on the Enrolments tab in Learner Manager. |
Manage Enrolments | Bulk edit enrolments on the Enrolments tab in Learner Manager. |
Prohibit adding fees |
Users with this role cannot create any additional fees other than the default to the course. This role disables the Add Fee functionality in Enrolments. |
Run Reports |
Run reports for the corresponding module, if:
Run Reports - Enrolments | Run enrolment-related reports in ebs: central. |
Till Administrator | Add, duplicate, and delete till number records in Reference Data. |
Tills |
Save and cancel receipts in Enrolments, if:
View academic history | View academic history records on the Academic History tab in Enrolments (read-only). |
View attainments | View attainments on the Attainments tab in Enrolments (read-only). |
View enrolments | View enrolments on the Enrolments tab in Enrolments (read-only). This role enables the Enrolments tab. |
UK Fee super user (web) |
The role allows the user to do the following in ebs Web:
The Prohibit Adding Fees role overrides the Fee Super User (web) role. |
UK Manage Employment History | View, add, edit, and delete employment history on the Employment window. |
UK Manage Funding and Monitoring | View, add, edit, and delete funding and monitoring records on the Funding and Monitoring window. |
ENG Full Loan Details |
View, add, edit, and delete loan record details for an individual learner’s enrolments in the Loan Details section on the Enrolments tab or in ebs Web. This role is available only if a valid EBS424PlusLoan licence is held. |
ENG Manage Apprenticeship Finance | Use the Apprenticeship Finance tab in Enrolments. |
ENG Manage Work Placement | Use the Work Placement tab in Enrolments. |
ENG View Loan Details |
View loan record details for an individual learner’s enrolments in the Loan Details section on the Enrolments tab or in ebs Web (read-only). This role is available only if a valid EBS424PlusLoan licence is held. The Full Loan Details role overrides the View Loan Details role. |
NZ Enrolment Super User | Generate or regenerate fees for an enrolment manually. |

The roles for course fees are located in the ebs: central Fees and Payments group.
The relevant roles in the ebs: central Fees and Payments group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Delete Fees and Payments | Delete fees, invoices and receipts on the Payments tab in Enrolments. |
Fees and Payments Supervisor |
View, add, recast and delete instalment plans on the Payments tab in the Enrolments component. It also allows a user to do the following:
NZ Refund StudyLink receipts |
Manage Enrolment Fees |
Add, cancel, and credit enrolment fees. It also allows users to edit enrolment-fee amounts, and cancel enrolment-fee credit. The Cancel button marks the selected record as ‘CANCELLED’ rather than deleting the record completely. |
Manage Payments |
Manage payments on the Payments tab in Enrolments in the following ways:
Manage Person Fees |
Add, credit and cancel person fees. It will also allow a user to cancel person-fee credit. The Cancel button marks the selected record as ‘CANCELLED’ rather than deleting the record completely. |
View Fees and Payments |
View the following fees and payments (read-only):
NZ Manage Enrolment Invoices |
Add, cancel, and cap invoices with enrolment fees. It will also allow users to cancel cap on invoices with enrolment fees, and split invoices with enrolment fees. |
NZ Manage Person Invoices |
Add, cancel, and cap invoices with person fees. It will also allow users to cancel cap on invoices with person fees, and split invoices with person fees. |